Important Basic Bug Out Bag Supplies

By Claudine Hodges

Being prepared and ready for any kind of disaster has become something that is on the minds of many people. Stocking nonperishable food, having flashlights, batteries, water, and medical supplies is also becoming common. But there is a real possibility that you may not be able to stay home or have the ability to drive to safer ground. If that event occurs you need to have these bug out bag supplies ready to grab and go.

Clean drinking water is the most important thing you must have access to. The minimum amount necessary for survival is one liter per day per person. You can carry three liters, but if you plan on living longer than that, you need a purification system to carry. That can be accomplished with iodine tablets or a small kettle or pot for boiling water.

Along with water, we all need nutrition. Protein bars are excellent because they are small, light, and nutritious. Also, freeze dried meals or military Meals Ready to Eat, (MRE)will fit in your bag and keep you going. You can eat the MRE cold in case you do not want to build a fire or boil water. Try to also include nuts and some hard candy.

You will need to have clothing that you would wear while camping or backpacking ready also. Have a pair of sturdy boots or shoes sitting next to your pack so you can put them on as you evacuate. You also need to have two shirts for layering, a jacket that will keep you warm and protect you from the rain, a hat and bandana, two pairs of socks, and warm long underwear.

There are many lightweight tents that will fit in your kit as does a tarp. In addition, you need good ground cover to keep you dry so take either a sleeping pad or a ground tarp. A good sleeping bag or bedroll is also essential.

Always have a first aid kit. You can buy them already prepared but it would be better if you fill it yourself. That way you will have an intimate knowledge of what it contains and can manage it to fit your needs. In addition to bandages, gauze, splints, and first aid cream, include anti-diarrhea medication, allergy pills, sun block, and instant ice packs.

You may be thinking that is it, all set and ready to go. No, there is more. You must have a good hunting or survival knife, and a small pot or large cup to boil water in. Do not overlook having a hatchet and matches or a lighter. In addition, you need to know several ways to start a fire with out them in the event they get lost or your matches get wet. Having a fire may end up saving you.

Most times, you can hunker down and ride out the disaster while staying in your home, or shelter you may have prepared. But there are also instances when it will be wisest to simply run for safety in the woods or in the mountains. Have a three day supply of basics ready and waiting at all times, for you to grab on the way out the door.

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