Important Information On Off Shore Fishing

By Olivia Cross

Offshore fishing is a form of angling that mainly occurs in the away from the shore as the name suggests where the sea is deep. For the area to be considered a deep sea fishing zone, 30 metres should be the minimum depth. Other names that are synonymous to the activity are deep sea, sport and big game angling. Off shore fishing is used for both recreation and commercial purposes.

An offshore fisherman is required to have some cognition to enable him to see the signs that an amateur would not see. Motion sickness is a crucial factor of consideration for a first-timer who has never done this activity before. It is always safe to have with you a person that knows almost everything about fishing accompanying you.

You are going to need a large boat; something in the range of 35 to 40 feet as you need space for gear, the fish and all the crew that will be on board. For bait, you need something that bleeds because many fish go crazy for blood, the more the blood the better. Make sure you bring the correct float; you will need to float your bait at different depths so going out prepared is key. Once fish is caught, you are supposed to handle with caution especially for the dangerous ones.

The commercial sector consists of individuals or companies who are doing fish farming or catch wild fish in the sea and posses the necessary equipment for the processing of those resources into products for sale. The traditional sector involves individuals and enterprises that are linked to the fisheries resources from which early inhabitants get their products according to their culture.

In the recreation sector, it comprises of individuals or companies that focus on recreation, sport, and sustenance of fisheries resources. Unlike commercial boats that are designed for angling only, the case is not the same for recreation vessels as they are not strictly meant for this exercise only.

A commercial angling enterprise may vary from one man with small boats with hand casting nets or a few pot traps, to a huge fleet of trawlers processing tons of fish every day. Increased demand for fish has caused widespread over this practice. Fish farming therefore offers an alternative solution to the increasing market demand for fish and fish protein.

Today, the sea provides employment opportunities to millions of people around the world from recreation fishery and boating, offshore drilling, wind farming and commercial angling. For the commercial industry the aim is provide seafood for human consumption and raw materials for other industries. Herring, salmon, tuna, cod, anchovy, mullet, squid, shrimp, oyster, lobster and crab are examples of fish that form the species of fish that are mainly targeted.

The ocean conservancy is today working hand in hand with governments and fishermen to put a reduction to over-fishing and bring back the population of fish to normal levels. Deviating from the scientific safety measures could compromise fish population that are on their way back to their usual numbers. This could also result in reduction of opportunities for fishers, poverty among communities living in the coast as well as reduced variety of seafood.

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