How To Prevent Mosquito Bites And Enjoy A Malaria Free Safari

By Florine Meadows

If you are planning a trip to Africa, it is essential that you take steps that will minimize the chances of getting bitten by mosquitoes. Getting sick during a trip can be quite costly and inconvenient not only for you but for the people traveling with you. If you take the necessary measures, you can experience a malaria free safari.

The first thing that you should do is to consult your doctor before you go for your trip. If possible, see a travel doctor who is familiar with the necessary medications that you should take. The doctor will prescribe some anti malaria tablets that you should take before your trip and in the course of your trip. Follow the doctor's instruction and take the medicines as advised. Kids and pregnant women should avoid taking these medications without talking to their doctor.

Use insect repellents. You can purchase these when you get to your destination. There are different types of repellents. Use the one that is suitable for you. You can choose to use more than one at the same time. You can buy sprays, coils or those repellents that you apply on your body. If you are using a coil or spray, use them in the evenings and at night before you go to bed. This will get rid of any mosquitoes that are in the room.

Use a mosquito net at night when you are sleeping. Ensure that the net is in good condition and it is not torn. Spread the mosquito net properly at night so that there is no opening by which a mosquito can go through. If the area has a lot of mosquitoes, it will be advisable to also use a net when you are taking a nap during the day.

Try and find accommodation in an area where there aren't a lot of mosquitoes. This should preferably be in an area where there are no pools of stagnant water. The compound of the house should have been cleared and not bushy. Screens should be used on windows and openings in the house, so as to keep away mosquitoes. Keep the doors of the house closed, especially in the evenings.

Cover yourself up in the evenings so that minimal parts of your body are exposed. This includes wearing clothes that are log sleeved. Also wear trouser and socks or closed shoes. In addition, avoid dark colors as mosquitoes are attracted to them.

There are other things that can cause mosquitoes to be attracted to you. This includes people who take lots of sugar. Avoid sugary snacks in the evenings during your trip. Also, avoid perfumes or after shaves with strong smell.

You should read up and find out more about the disease. Know the symptoms of the disease, so that in case you get sick you can seek treatment as soon as possible. Early detection and treatment of the disease will help in faster recovery. Have a doctor that you can contact in your country of travel in case you get sick.

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